My Waist Training Experience After Baby #2

My Waist Training Experience After Baby #2 - TeamLaShae

Do waist trainers really work? That is the question I get asked all the time. I like to test things out myself to know for sure the benefits and the ups and downs of a product before I give my opinion. So I took it upon myself to try a few different styles and types of waist trainers/belts and by far my favorite would have to be my waist trimming belt from I am now 4 months post delivery and feeling pretty amazing! That definitely wasn’t the case after I had my baby a few months ago though. After delivery my tummy had lost its flat and tight look and of course it did, my stomach was stretched to capacity for over 9 months! I’ll admit that I was a little worried and wasn’t sure if my tummy would ever be flat again considering the fact I just had my 2nd baby! But I refused to let that discourage me from getting the flat belly and trimmed waist I deserved! 

Everyday for the past 30 days I’ve been wearing my waist snatcher belt while also working out to my dance fitness DVDs and using my 31 day meal plan. I’ve definitely noticed a difference in the way my waist and tummy looks. I also love the fact that the waist belt helps with correcting my posture and relieving achy back pain from pregnancy. The muscles in my abdomen also separated and the belt helped bring them back together. I’m excited because I was a doubter but now that I’ve seen and felt the difference for myself, I’m happy to share the experience with women who had questions. 

I wear the belt for a total of 3-5 hours per day. You can wear it longer but that's totally a preference. At first it may feel a little tough to take really deep breaths but after a couple days you get used to it. The cool thing about the belt is that you can adjust it and tighten it as you see fit. The more you use it, the smaller your waist gets! It’s not magic. You can’t eat like crap, not workout and expect to drop inches in your waist. You still have to put in some work on your end but it really does work!! I’ve lost at least 4 inches off my waist so far! 

You can see for yourself by purchasing my waist snatcher belt here.


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